At the very beginning there is always the analysis and diagnosis of the relevant neighborhoods and districts or entire cities, provinces and the basic conditions as a basis for sustainable and integrated urban development and the implementation of new Smart City solutions! Cities or regions that want to or need to take new sustainable ways to think and plan long-term development in the neighborhood, as the changes take place with increasing speed.
Which data is already available or must be conceptually captured in order to obtain a basis, an "actual state", in order to suitably and quantitatively adapt appropriate measures in all areas and adapt them to the respective framework conditions, 
provided these do not need to be changed or not !


What are the basic conditions in the district?

It is also possible to use the "City Prosperity Index" for an initial assessment.

Five important factors must be taken into account:

1. Productivity and the economy (existing economy, economic development,
    Purchasing power etc.)
2. Infrastructure (energy, telecommunications, mobility including local transport, but also
    Sanitary installations)
3. Quality of life (public offers, culture and cultural facilities, security,
     Health care, etc.)
4. Social indicators (poverty, education, equal rights, integration, etc.)
5. Environmental protection and resources (handling and developing)

But that's not all! The aim is to diagnose all areas of the district, the district or the whole city, to diagnose and implement intelligent solutions on the basis of these data! Of course also such topics as power generation, smart grids, emobility or mobility in general, infrastructure, education, and and ..... in a holistic approach!

AFRECI SMART CITY Quarter solutions are modular and can be used flexibly for the most diverse requirements profiles!
As Asian countries have a different framework than in Europe or Africa, this step of adaptation is indispensable. In some cases totally outdated structures are found in the area of the infrastructure and the electricity networks, which go back to the time before 1950!

From a global perspective, the respective cost structure plays a decisive role in the sustainable development of neighborhoods of cities and metropolitan regions!
Systems must be compatible and have a scalable modularity to be economically and flexibly usable in the long term! 

The versatility and functionality of the individual systems used as solutions in various areas of the district play a decisive role. 

The interfaces of the systems should be simplified. 

The intelligent interaction between all systems in a holistic structured Smart City safes costs already by the urban planning!

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